MIT Society of Physics Students

Job Search Resources

What can you do with a physics degree? Lots! Career options include paths in engineering, consulting, finance, teaching, research (yes there are options without a PhD, usually along the lines of techincal staff), and more. Lots of good statistics on options, starting salaries, etc, can be found on the American Institute of Physics' Statistics Page. To find a job, there are plenty of resources on campus that can help you out, including:

MIT Careers Office
They can help you with your resume, go through a mock interview with you, or help with any other stage of the job search process.
Course Mailing lists
Most departments have these, which frequently have job postings. You can subscribe to course 8's undergrad list, 8-opps, here. For more software or electrical engineering work, try subscribing to the course 6 list run by Anne Hunter - a treasure trove of course 6 job and UROP opportunities.
Career Fairs
Bring your resume and come prepared to meet representatives from a plethora of companies and labs. Some on campus fairs include the MIT Career Fair, European Career Fair, and more. A full listing of career fairs can be found here.
Company information sessions
Often advertised via email or posted on campus bulletin boards, these events can help you learn more about a company and find out if it's right for you.

To look for jobs online, some good places for physics postings are: